
Showing posts from May, 2022

Security first for your customer servicing department

Protecting customer data shouldn’t be a choice but a mandate, SlashRTC believes in security first and respects the customers privacy. It’s each and every organization’s responsibility to protect the customer data and maintain their privacy. But How? How can you protect their identity? SlashRTC offers a call masking solution, where agents and customers can call each other without revealing their real numbers. Number masking can be used both ways for agents as well as customers. You can simply integrate the IVR service with a number masking solution over the call center platform. Using number masking, the customer's personal phone number and personal information is hidden in order to safeguard customer information. This can be easily monitored and tracked. Why Use SlashRTC’s Call Masking Solutions? ●      Safeguard customer and agent details ●      Tracking & Monitoring ●      Analytics & Reports ● ...